Meet Our Farmers
At United Dairy, we are fortunate to be involved in a strong relationship with over 300 local family owned and operated dairy farms. Here at United Dairy we pride ourselves on buying from local farms to help keep the local economy strong and local people employed. The majority of the money that a Dairy Farmer spends stays in the local community. Farms that sell their milk to United commit to producing high quality, wholesome product, while being good stewards of the land and having pride in the health and welfare of their animals.
We are FARM Certified, the National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program raises the bar for the entire dairy industry – creating a culture of continuous improvement. The FARM Program is comprised of dairy farmers, cooperatives, and processors across the United States. They hold their members to rigorous guidelines that ensure the utmost quality on our nation’s dairy farms. The FARM Program creates a culture of continuous improvement that allows the dairy community to work every day toward positive change.
We’re proud to bring you the freshest, highest quality local milk to you and your family. “From Farm to Fridge in 24 Hours”.
Linden Creek Dairy
Linden Creek Dairy, established in 1929, is currently owned and operated by the Fourth generation of the Martin family. The Martins milk their 80 head of Holsteins, Brown Swiss, and Jersey cattle using a Robotic Milker. The cows are housed in a free stall barn, meaning that throughout the day and night, the cows can choose whether they want to lay down, eat, drink, walk around, or be milked whenever they want!
Linden Creek Dairy can be found on Facebook!
Twin Brook Dairy
Twin Brook Dairy is owned and operated by John Marchezak and their family. The farm was started in 1952, where they milk the Jersey and Guernsey breeds of dairy cows. The cattle are raised inside and have pasture available to graze when the weather permits. John and his crew manage the day-to-day operation including milking and feeding the cows, as well as tending to the land, by growing crops for their cows to later eat and convert into milk!
John’s sister Patti and Brother In Law John McMurray enjoy showing their Guernsey Cattle at Local, state, and National shows with their children, grandchildren, and nieces.
To learn more about the Marcheszak family at Twin Brook Farm, follow them on Facebook and Instagram!
Morian Farms
Small family farms are integral to our communities. Both Gary and Denise Morian grew up on farms, but neither was from a dairy farm. Eight years passed after their marriage before they were able to purchase property and construct a barn to begin pursuing their dream, but milk has been shipped from the tank at Mish-Ro Holsteins & Jerseys in Atlantic, PA ever since.
Before purchasing the land and beginning farming at the current location, Gary and Denise shipped bulk milk from the 8 cows they milked by hand at a rented property, while Gary worked as a machinery mechanic and then construction, and Denise worked as a nurse. Each of these skills has been integral in building the current farm, as they constructed all the buildings currently on the property (with help here and there from friends and family), started with used tractors and other machinery prone to needing to be fixed, and Denise’s nursing skills saved their youngest daughter’s life when she was severely wounded by a heifer in 2003.
Gary & Denise’s daughters, Michelle & Rose, are following in their parent’s footsteps, being passionate about the farm and cattle. Currently, the family makes all of the feed for their cattle and milk 38 registered Holsteins, Jerseys, and Brown Swiss. The vast majority of the cattle cared for by the family daily are descendants of the original cattle purchased by Gary & Denise in 1989.